“Knowledge is power - the more we know, the more we can do.”

Christiana Bukalo, Founder of Statefree


StatelessHub is an online library and collaborative knowledge platform designed to bring together existing information, expand the reach of publications and tools, facilitate knowledge sharing and progress monitoring, offer an environment for learning, and inspire people to collaborate and take action to achieve change. As a one-stop-shop platform, StatelessHub facilitates the analysis and strategic use of information by allowing the user to explore carefully curated content by regioncountrytheme or community; as well as offering referral information and access to a much larger catalogue of relevant material through a fully searchable resource library

StatelessHub was built by the Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion (ISI), to offer a reliable, go-to place for information and resources on statelessness and the right to nationality. Its design and content have been crafted with inputs and feedback from others working in the statelessness field. As we further develop, expand and update the content of StatelessHub, we hope to be able to continue to rely on the support and guidance of stateless changemakers and community leaders, advocates, experts and scholars. Here are some ways you can help!



A wealth of information and tools on statelessness and the right to a nationality is available online, in different languages and forms, and in different places. Together, these resources help to provide the knowledge base needed for effective action to achieve positive change. However, it can be difficult to find your way through all this material. If you enter the term “statelessness” into a search engine, it yields over 30 million results!

The resource library housed here on StatelessHub allows you to navigate through an extensive set of information, tools, reports, analysis and (multi)media resources using a set of pre-selected tags and filters, or through an open search. The ISI team is continually working to expand the library and you can help us by submitting a resource for us to include. You can do this directly by filling out the Submission Form. Our team will review what you have submitted, checking whether the material meets our criteria for inclusion in the library and making sure that all the information has been entered correctly. Once approved, the resource will become available in the resource library, for anyone to access.  



The StatelessHub resource library offers a “home” for lots of different kinds of materials, including: Reports; Academic publications; News, Media reports & Blogs; Legal instruments & jurisprudence; Briefing notes & Policy papers; Learning tools; Videos & Webinar Recordings; Podcasts; and UN Documents. To be considered for the resource library, the material must be relevant to the scope of StatelessHub: it must address statelessness, the right to nationality, the rights of stateless people or another closely associated subject. The material should also be from a reliable source and of sufficient quality. In terms of form, for example, the sound quality of audio-visual material (videos; podcasts) should be adequate to follow what is being said; and written material must use clear and precise language. In terms of content, the information presented should be accurate and unbiased. We will not include any material that propagates negative stereotypes, prejudice or discrimination. 



The country,regiontheme and community pages of StatelessHub offer a carefully researched and curated overview of key information, enriched with quotes and testimonies. The text has been developed on the basis of existing material and in many cases, the ISI team has also consulted with relevant partners and experts to verify or contextualise the information presented. The links provided on each page can help the user to navigate to both source material and to further information. 

Maintaining a “living” knowledge platform is a significant task and we may not always spot mistakes or know about new developments. If you notice information on one of these pages that is outdated or may be inaccurate, please contact our team with your feedback or suggestions. You can write to us at [email protected]. If you know of additional resources relevant to one of our country, region, theme or community pages that are not yet included in our resource library, you can also submit these to us directly using the dedicated Submission Form.


StatelessHub aims to inform and strengthen the impact of the work of stateless activists and civil society organisations engaged in human rights reporting, programming or advocacy; legal practitioners engaged in litigating cases; policy makers, diplomats, journalists, academics and other stakeholders undertaking research, monitoring or policy development on issues of nationality and statelessness. 

If you have any suggestions about…

  • Things we can fix
  • Things we can improve
  • Things we can add

Please get in touch! 

We welcome all inputs that can help us to ensure that this knowledge platform is as impactful as possible. You can write to us at [email protected].

Photo by Dominicanxs por Derecho 

Latest Resources

  • Statelessness and Dignified Citizenship Coalition Asia Pacific (SDCC-AP)

    Type of Resource: Other

    Theme: General / Other

    Region: Asia / Pacific

  • Who Belongs? The Foreigners Act 1946 and Pakistan Citizenship Act 1951

    Type of Resource: Legal instruments / Jurisprudence

    Theme: General / Other

    Region: Middle East and North Africa

  • The Dorothy and Brian Wilson Churchill Fellowship to investigate Best Practice Models for Providing Legal Education and Aid to Stateless Children

    Type of Resource: Report

    Theme: General / Other

    Region: Europe
